1000 Hours Resolution

Back inAugust 2022 I started listening to Ginny Yurich’s podcast, 1000 Hours Outside. I’d been following her on Instagram for a while, and coincidentally this is the same time period that we started to dive into our search for supports for Gus. It’s also when I made my first new years resolution. Here it is from […]

The 5am Club

Last night at Book Club one mom mentioned that she just read The 5am Club. I had heard of it but certainly none of us at the table were necessarily clamoring to join it, but we were all very intrigued. She cut to the heart of the book – it comes down to the 20-20-20 […]

Toddler Obsession: Trash Truck

Gus and I spent every Friday morning of the early pandemic months waiting in anticipation for garbage trucks. I was working from home and Gus was about to turn two, which meant nothing could get done unless he was thoroughly occupied. On trash days I would take my standing 10am call on the move – […]

My Favorite Pregnancy Book

I feel honored when friends ask me for pregnancy and parenthood book recommendations. And there are so many good ones out there that it’s hard to narrow the list. But when it comes to the can’s and cannot’s of pregnancy, I have a top favorite: Expecting Better by Emily Oster Oster’s subtitle pretty much says […]

The Sweetest Brother Moment

I ran a quick errand with both kids in the car the other week. They were very quiet on the drive home, and I assumed Gus was eating his Cheerios in peace. When I looked in the rearview mirror I saw Gus’s hand stretched a far as possible across the car, and Finn’s hand stretched […]

Parenting Podcasts for Pregnancy and the Newborn Stage

Parenting podcasts are my jam right now – such an efficient way to get good useable info (while hands free). One of my oldest friends is pregnant and she asked me for my top parenting podcast reccs. These are my top picks for the pregnant or newborn stage:   Little Z’s Sleep – Sleep is […]